Portfolio The different faces of mine

To play grab the controllers and aim the flak to the clay pigeon and shoot it. The game will end after several pigeons flew into the air and the highscore will be listed to your left.

The game is available on itch.io (https://thecell.itch.io/bangbangvr)

Over the summer break I lend the HTC Vive from our school. I had a full time summer job and in the evenings I finished up this little summer project. I wanted to explore several things and tried to stick some of those together to create a little game. First I created a procedural map. Then I tried to have objects manipulate that mesh (bomb explosions) but this was not very performant without optimization. Next I looked at some VR interactions on a panel that turned out pretty neat. To bring this project to a close I reused my balista scripts from the Battosai VR project and created some sort of flak cannon and a clay pigeon dispenser. More infos and some gifs of the mechanics can be found on my blog, linked down below. Source code can be found on Github (https://github.com/TheCell/BangBangVR)